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Requirement for Consignor Only Companies to Appoint a DGSA no later than 31st Dec 22

8 August 2022 | Industry News & Regs

The Department for Transport have issued the below cover note with regard to the Requirement for Consignor Only Companies to Appoint a DGSA no later than 31st Dec 22. (ADR/RID Transitional Measure –


The Dangerous Goods team at the Department for Transport have created this video to explain, in simple terms:

  • the requirement for consignor only companies involved in the carriage of dangerous goods to appoint a Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor (DGSA) no later than 31st December 2022.
  • The content of this video applies to the transport of dangerous goods by road and/or rail.


Consignor only companies, unlike those involved in the packing, filling, loading, unloading and transport, had previously been exempt from this requirement. However, in 2019, amendments were made to the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods Regulations for road (ADR) and rail (RID) requiring consignors to appoint a DGSA. This is a legal requirement within GB through the Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations (as amended).


Given this regulatory change was first written within the 2019 versions of ADR and RID, there has been a 4-year transitional period to adapt to this requirement. Therefore, this video serves as a reminder that this transitional period is nearing its end, and those organisations still needing to appoint a DGSA shall do so no later than 31st December 2022.


There are several exemptions to appointing a DGSA. However, if you are unable to ascertain whether these exemptions are applicable to your business, it can be useful to consult with a DGSA (as a one-off service) to bottom out whether you fall within scope of this requirement. Alongside companies or individuals offering DGSA consultancy services, there are also qualified DGSAs within the Dangerous Goods team. It is advisable that organisations can confidently explain how they are exempt.

More information / Questions?

Please consult our guidance on employing a dangerous goods safety adviser (DGSA).

However, if neither the video nor the links to further information answer your query, then please contact the team directly on


Beth Hewlett 
Policy Adviser, Dangerous Good, Road Freight Regulation, Motoring and Freight,

Department for Transport


Information correct at time of publishing, 8th August 2022

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